Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Holy Sore Hip Flexors, Batman!

Ok, so today was Day 3 of my 2nd "Full" P90X program (Full meaning I'm dedicated to sticking with it for the full 13's happening.) Anyway, I was very sore today! the worst part was my hip flexors. They hurt so bad that I had trouble standing upright to walk and when I did walk I looked like an 80-year old man. I got a lot of laughs and fun-poking from my "caring loving" co-workers. :) Surprisingly, I was able to do Ab Ripper X tonight after Shoulders and Arms. I was thinking earlier today that I wouldn't even be able to attempt it. Maybe it was the ibuprofen I took around 5pm...who knows. Dan

Bartender? Another round, please!

No, I'm not drinking.  I'm doing another round of P90X!  Some folks from my work have formed a small accountability group using the MyFitnessPal app/website.  Certainly makes it easier for me when other folks are helping to keep me motivated.  I think it's pretty clear that self-motivation is not one of my strong points!

Anyway, I'm not sure how much I'll be blogging about it this time...probably from time to time but certainly not daily.  I am planning on posting a daily picture on my Instagram (dvice72) feed, so follow me if you're interested.


Thursday, February 28, 2013


As you can probably tell from the title of this post, I'm switching things up.  I had a good run with P90X...a great run, in fact.  I lost a lot of weight and really turned my health and fitness around.  However, after 8 weeks of this last P90X run, I started losing motivation.  Don't get me wrong, it's a great program...and I will certainly go back to it someday in the future.  But for now, I feel a change is needed or I may regress, which is something I don't want to do.

The answer?  Shawn T and Insanity.  I've had the videos for awhile, and have watched in fear a few times.  But until now, I never really considered going to it.  I just didn't think I was ready.  I guess now I either struggle doing the P90X routines, or I man up and get to work with something new.

I actually started on Tuesday, and I'll post how things went these first few days a little later.  I also want to post about some great results I got back from my most recent health assessment!  More to come!


Friday, February 8, 2013

P90X Status

It's day 45 of my second full P90X program, and I'm still going strong.  In my last blog post, I mentioned that Wendy and I were doing P90X Lean together.  Well, she decided after a few weeks into the program that it wasn't for her, so I've been continuing the same program by myself since.  I considered going back to the P90X Classic program, which I did the first time, but decided to continue this one....just for something new.  Basically, you do one less Ab Ripper workout per week, and for the first two three-week blocks, you substitute Core Synergistics for Chest & Back or Back & Biceps.  Lastly, you do Cardio X instead of Plyometrics.  It's easier than what I did before, but that's ok.  I'm still working hard, and over half of the workouts are the same, so it's not that much easier! :)

The weight isn't coming off as fast as it did last time, but the eating hasn't been as "intense" as before either.  I've been eating very good, just not 100% of the time.  I've lost about 7 pounds in the first 6+ weeks, so that progress...even if it slow.  Can't complain, right?


Thursday, January 3, 2013

P90X Partner!

I'm happy to announce that Wendy has now joined me in getting in better shape.  During my Christmas vacation she mentioned she'd like to lose some weight and get healthier.  So, I concluded my three week P90X classic workout and started a new P90X Lean workout with her on 12/26.  Happy to say today that we have successfully finished the first 8 workouts and have eaten very well.  The only meal we splurged on was on New Year's Eve when we had company over and had lots of goodies.

So far, Wendy has struggled with some of the moves and felt ill a few times, but has stuck with it and done it all.  The only change we are going to make is to do the Ab Ripper workout in the mornings on Friday and Sunday rather than after the 60-minute workout that day.  We feel it will be easier than trying to do it when we are already spent.

I'm very excited to see how the first weigh-in goes.  I'm hoping we both see some good results because it will only help motivate us more!
