Friday, February 8, 2013

P90X Status

It's day 45 of my second full P90X program, and I'm still going strong.  In my last blog post, I mentioned that Wendy and I were doing P90X Lean together.  Well, she decided after a few weeks into the program that it wasn't for her, so I've been continuing the same program by myself since.  I considered going back to the P90X Classic program, which I did the first time, but decided to continue this one....just for something new.  Basically, you do one less Ab Ripper workout per week, and for the first two three-week blocks, you substitute Core Synergistics for Chest & Back or Back & Biceps.  Lastly, you do Cardio X instead of Plyometrics.  It's easier than what I did before, but that's ok.  I'm still working hard, and over half of the workouts are the same, so it's not that much easier! :)

The weight isn't coming off as fast as it did last time, but the eating hasn't been as "intense" as before either.  I've been eating very good, just not 100% of the time.  I've lost about 7 pounds in the first 6+ weeks, so that progress...even if it slow.  Can't complain, right?


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