Monday, August 20, 2012

P90X Round 2: Week 5

The week started off great!  Monday through Thursday I had great workouts and ate much better.  However, Friday through Sunday were bad.  I didn't do the workouts and ate bad about 1/2 of the time.  I know I need to do better, but I cannot get the motivation up.  It's so frustrating!

All I can do now is not let the past affect the future.  I need to work my hardest each day to work up the motivation to get the workout done and have control of the eating habits.  I know I can do it...just need to figure out how do actually do it every day!


Monday, August 13, 2012

P90X Round 2: Weeks 3/4

Well, week 3 started out pretty good, but didn't end well.  I let the lazy Dan talk me into not doing the workouts anymore...I'm ashamed.  So, I spent all last week telling myself that I "just wasn't motivated" to do the workouts.  Hogwash!  I was making excuses so I didn't have to do them.  Also, since I wasn't doing the workouts anymore, I was eating pretty much what I wanted.  At work, I was still eating good...probably so my co-workers didn't know about not doing the workouts.  Again...ashamed.

Well, today I'm stopping all that crap and going back to the "new" Dan, who does the workouts every day and eats like he should!  I missed an entire week (plus Yoga and one Ab workout during week 3), so I'm onto week 5 now.  I did Chest, Shoulders and Triceps today.  Pretty much sucked at it, but that's what I get for quitting!  It's only uphill from here!
