Friday, February 21, 2014

What's Up?

So, you're probably wondering what's going on with me. Some of you probably assume that since I haven't been posting, then I haven't been working out. WRONG! Today is day 12 of my first P90X3 program. Back on February 8th, I completed my 2nd full P90X program. During that time, I lost 33+ pounds (and have lost another 4 pounds so far on P90X3). To be completely honest, I probably have not been eating enough calories, but I have rarely felt hungry. I've been eating quite a bit, but the calories have been from good foods (fruits, vegetables, turkey, chicken, salmon, etc). So as for P90X3, I like it so far. The only gripe I have is Yoga seems rushed, but that may be just because it's 1/3 as long as the P90X Yoga workout was. I have been pleasantly surprised that the workouts have been so good. The worry was that going from 60+ minutes to 30 would be too easy, but that's not the case. I'm feeling great and looking better too, though the "feeling" part is much more important to me. Dan