Friday, June 15, 2012

Round 2, Day 4: Baseball!!

We had a juniors-only double-header Thursday night in Holton, KS.  Beat 'em 13-2 and 11-0!  Got home a little after 11pm.  I considered doing the Yoga workout, but I would have ended at nearly 1am (too late) and I also had another job to do.

We are using iPads to keep our baseball scorebooks this year.  The app we use is good, but it takes some getting used to...I still get stuck with it sometimes.  Anyway, last night the Seniors had a double-header home against Hiawatha, KS.  The senior coach usually keeps the iPad for our junior games, but of course he wasn't there.  I could have kept it, but I was coaching 3rd base, and it's hard to relay signals when you have an iPad in your hands and are trying to keep score.  So I had one of the parents of a junior player keep the book on a regular paper book.  Because we send our results to the newspaper and radio guys in town, I needed to get the results from the paper book into the iPad, so I spent some time doing that rather than the Yoga workout.

I have to go into work for a bit this morning, so the plan is to do Yoga around lunch time and then do the regular Friday workout, Legs and Back, later this evening.  Should the situation arise where I only have time for one workout, I'll do Legs and Back.  I don't mind the Yoga workout, but my goals with this program are to 1) Lose weight and 2) Build muscle.  The Legs and Back workout better supports those goals, so I'll pick it if I'm forced to choose.


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