Sunday, June 17, 2012

Round 2, Day 6: Kenpo X

Didn't get up early Saturday to get this workout in, but I did have some good luck...for P90X anyway.  We were supposed to have a Senior Legion tournament in Falls City Saturday starting as noon, and just as the first game was winding down, we got about 1.5 inches of the span of about 30-40 minutes.  Needless to say, the tournament was cancelled so I had all kinds of time in the early afternoon to workout.

Kenpo...well, it's Kenpo.  It's a fun workout and I have a lot of areas to improve.  For example, my side and back kicks with the left leg are still ugly and wouldn't be very effective in a real situation.  I also need to try and improve my hip and feet movement during some of the punch sequences.  All in all, though, the goal is to burn calories, and I certainly did that.  My heart rate monitor showed 75-85% max heart rate most of the time, so that's very good.

I'm just getting ready to do my X Stretch, so I'll be shooting off a post on that later this evening or tomorrow.


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