Ok, wanted to get that off my chest first! :) If you don't follow baseball (shame on you!), my favorite team, the Kansas City Royals, snapped a 12-game losing streak tonight by winning in Cleveland 8-2. What a relief! Time for a winning streak!
Ok, now on to P90X. I'm feeling great today, because I had at least three people tell me they can really tell I've lost weight! I knew I had because the scale told me so...and I'd seen a few things in the mirror but apparently it's getting obvious now. How exhilarating it feels to hear those things. It really makes all of the sore muscles and late nights and sweat all seem worth it that much more.
Did Kenpo tonight...can't say too much about it. It's an easy and fun workout that makes you sweat a lot! I did notice one thing tonight. When I went to do the pigeon (is it pigeon? or some other bird?) stretch where you have to bend your leg under your torso and then stretch over it, I couldn't bend my left foot under at all. Right leg, no problem. Also, whenever I do side and back kicks with my left foot, they aren't nearly as good and crisp as the right leg. Same thing with glute's much harder to do when I cross with the left leg. Apparently it's not as flexible or something, but this "bird" stretch really opened my eyes to it.
Oh well, on I go. X Stretch tomorrow.
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