Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 4: Yoga X

OK...I thought doing push ups and pull ups was hard!  I was told by a few folks that the Yoga X exercise was not a walk in the park and boy were they right!  As with a few of the other exercises in the program, a number of the Yoga exercises are made harder by my weight and my gut getting in the way.  However, I did the best I could and finished the video with only a few pauses.  This was the first time the entire family was home when I did the exercise, so there were a few distractions but that's to be expected.  Also, the Yoga exercises make you sweat like crazy, but they did help out some with the soreness, so that's a good thing.

This is a Friday off, so the next three days will be different, as they will be the first days on the program where I'm not at work during the day.  I've always had problems keeping from snacking, so I'm sure I'll be tested.  I've already had a few other opportunities to "cheat" and haven't given in, so I'm happy about that.  Tonight, we're going to a birthday dinner for my wife's cousin at a Mexican place.  I'm guessing some kind of Chicken salad, but we'll see what they have.  Obviously, it will be hard to keep up with the P90X portions, but I like my wife's idea of just getting the best thing on the menu and not worrying about it.

Legs and back today (oh great...more pull-ups!).



  1. Way to go, Dan! Once you get through this week and next week, it will get easier and you won't stay as sore for so long.

  2. I'm glad to hear that, Kevin. You don't know how happy that makes me! bad. You totally know.
